Chapter 1 General Terms


This Terms of Service(referred to as "Agreement") states the rights, obligations, responsibilities, and other necessary matters between AIPLE Inc. (referred to as "Company") and the Users.

Definition of Terms

The definition of terms used in this Agreement is as follows.

  1. "Service" means any service provided via the website [], PC application and/or mobile application (collectively referred to as "Websites") operated by Company.
  2. "User" means users who access the app and use the Service provided by Company.
  3. “Manager” means a person who creates the Workspace or the person who has been given a role by another Manager. Manager can (i) invite User to join the Workspace via email or through an invitation link, (ii) remove Members from Workspace.
  4. “Member” means an authorized User on Workspace. Member can invite User to join the Workspace through an invitation link.
  5. “Workspace” means a unique domain, URL, web page where Managers and Members can use the Service and work together.
  6. "Content" means audio and or video stream, recordings, graphical, pictorial or text content, or any other content displayed, transferred, downloaded on the Website.

Notification and Revision of Terms

  1. Company shall notify Users of the amended Agreement by posting amended terms on Websites, providing in-app notifications or via email.
  2. In the event Company amends this Agreement, Company shall confirm that User has agreed to the amendment of this Agreement. Nonetheless, in the event Company has expressed "if User does not express acceptance nor refusal of the amended Terms of Service, Company shall consider as an acceptance" and User has not expressed acceptance or refusal, it will be considered as such User has accepted the amendment of this Agreement.
  3. User who refuses to enter into an amended Agreement may terminate this Agreement.